~23 & 26~

So I'm 26 and the new batch of juniors who just came in to my uni are 23.

I recalled the days when I came in, I was very excited and energetic as well.
Just like they are now.
And yes, we had house warming party as well and made quite some noise til the neighbor next door came knocking at my door giving us a short warning.
But that was at 9pm.

Theirs actually started at midnight.
And ended at 3am.
The first 12 to 12:30am period was the worse as they started cheering and clapping and banging the floor though the racket subsided after they started watching a movie..
I wouldn't and didn't ask for much. Just no banging on the floor would do.
As my room is just directly below theirs, and my ceiling was shaking.
And very unluckily,I'm a very light sleeper.

I sent a simple SMS, just hoping they would be more considerate next time.
I was thinking, better for me to warn them first before the Japanese neighbors do.
Not sure if it would be better next time (yes,pretty sure there will be a next time) but at least I did what I could.
I thought with so many of them,at least some one would have some common sense.
I guess I thought wrong.
Well,at least they came to apologize.
I'm alright as long as it doesn't happen again.

Crossing my fingers though.


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