
People don't usually blog about how many hours they study,
either because they don't or they just don't find the need to.
What's there to brag about how many hours we have studied?
Many hours of studying doesn't mean that you are good,
that it'll guarantee success.
In fact,sometimes I think,in my case,because I'm too slow at absorbing facts,
that's why I need so much time.
Or maybe because I'm too much a perfectionist,
that I have to cover everything from head to toe,resulting time consumption.

University entrance test,
doesn't mean you have to get 100% to pass.
This I know,
But it never hurts to put in 120% of effort,
For we will never know what type of questions will turn up.
Even with 120% effort,
I still might fail.
If I panicked,or the questions is out of my league.

Sometimes,I wonder.
Will my brain fry-up due to too much work?
Will I be a hunch-back by the age of 30 due to my sitting position everyday?
Will it be worth it to spend so much time on this exam?

For the last question,I asked myself back..
What would you do if you weren't studying?
Instead of studying,the thing you might do,will it be worthwhile?
Somethings are meant to be and some not,
I believe I'm meant to be here at this moment,
Because that's the way I chose to be.
Because in the end,that's the only thing I'm good at.
I can't sing,I can't lead,I can't draw.
So,though tiring...
I can only study.

can really slow down if you want them to.


Anonymous 8/05/2008 11:27 PM  

my teacher told me too that we dont have to make sure we know everything abt the questions, whats important is you pass, not you get 100%.:)
you say you will try the best you can do, then just try it!
dont worry abt the result(though know it is impossible not to think abt it.:P), know that you are doing your best!

sychin 8/06/2008 1:35 AM  

Old words again .
What would you do if you were not afraid?

again and again

good luck for your exam !!

abel001 8/06/2008 2:05 AM  

at least you have something you're good at. I'm still searching for it...

vivacious 8/07/2008 7:02 PM  

abel: haha yeah me too.

kelly: entrance exams still going on? how long is it going to take?
again, do well, all the best!

stevelee67 8/08/2008 11:44 AM  

study now, enjoy later

Elizabeth 8/09/2008 4:25 PM  

Abel&Viv: Me three!
Kelly: All the best!

Anonymous 8/09/2008 7:45 PM  

it is nothing wrong to study so hard, but do you really enjoy what are you studying now?? i think that is more important.If you do really enjoy studying all these stuff, then just go with it.But if you study so hard just for uni entrance exam, then i think u better use some of the time to study something else that interests you.

nAoKi 8/14/2008 12:53 PM  

yalo,i agree with ur fren.now suffer,but you will enjoy ur life much better in the future lah.

eat sum comfort food e.g. choc bars to make urself feel better amidst all the studying lah,it works =)

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