I actually wanted to write something which really irked me today but after typing it out here,it shows how immature I am at handling stuff so I decided against it.It's not the actual incident that made me look immature,its the thought that I'm actually writing bad about somebody makes me feel so immature.Not very long ago,I actually used this blog to talk bad about a lot of people,thinking that the other party never know that this blog actually exists.Well,people find out somehow or another and at one point I almost lost a very good friend.
Sure,its my blog and I am entitled to my own opinions but I realised no matter how pissed off I am at that person,spreading words about that other person does not make me a better person.In fact,like what I said earlier,it only shows how immature I am myself.I realised its better to keep what is worth remembering and not dwell on past events that might hurt more people or myself.Everyone has their own weird habits or weak points that might be an eyesore to others,who are we to judge that our own bad habits are not as bad as other's?That said,I still can't believed someone actually call me when I'm studying,all the way to show me a cockroach on one occasion and a spider on another ..*Sorry can't help it...
4 years ago
I would be writing bunch of annoying stuffs if my conscience didn't stop me. I'm much worried of having to explain to the ppl involved if anything was discovered. So guess, have to do it the ol' skool way, call my bestie and report to her and only her. haha. :)
And can't help it too, your strike out lines are freaking funny. :) sabar sajer la eh.
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