
First,thanks for all the books suggestions.I'll look them up next time.It's hard to find good books nowadays and I really appreciate it when people suggests some good books.Thanks.

Well,in case some of you wondered what I have done with the rest of my two days break,I spent them on 'Summer Scent',a Korean drama by the same director for Winter Sonata and Autumn in my Heart.Have yet to finish,korean dramas are well known for being long and draggy but nevertheless I enjoy it all the same.

Some might wonder why is it that I enjoy Korean drama so much and go through all the hours watching the long storyline drama unfold.Well,its just my point of view but,romance is to women as politics is to men,I think.No matter how boring it might seem.And well,I love the scenery shown in the drama and its perfect-timing melodies as well as the 'lame' storyline that seems quite impossible in real life.There's just something about romance drama that gives my imagination a run,acknowledging the fact that sometimes things seems to good to be true in real life.I enjoy the way these dramas pull my heart strings at times.Still,I only watch them when I have time like these.It has been ages since I watched Korean drama,romance ones I mean.I like the comedy Korean drama too,watched 2 of them on Sat and Sunday,and one Japanese movie.(Yes,that was how free I was ok...)

I have yet to get teary eyed ,suprisingly because I'm already watching the 10th Episode.That's how draggy it is...I do wonder though,why is it that Korea have so many beautiful people?Envy..

Tomorrow is the beginning of my new term.Will get back to my busy life..Might take forever to update my next post.So,take care peeps,jyane=)


Anonymous 10/01/2008 12:54 AM  

korean dramas nice wat.. oni i tend to fast forward the draggy parts.. kekeke.. oh, haven't u heard that many korean artistes go under the knife? beauty.. =S
i always play "spot the fake" when watching korean dramas.. =D
tip: look at the nose bridge and lips etc..

Crabbed!! 10/01/2008 11:02 PM  

Why do people who loves dramas is not called "otaku" ??

I mean, I like anime as much as you like korean soap dramas...but yet I've been labeled as otaku.

The World is so unfair...

stevelee67 10/02/2008 8:14 PM  

i watched winter sonata for 10 mins and i hate watching korean romance drama ever since.

btw, u can be like them if u go under the knife like them :p

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