Ever experienced a sudden feeling of loneliness?
Which was not triggered by anything or anyone..
But it just seeped through your body and suddenly one day you realised that
Gosh,how lonely you were/are.
You walk to school,follow your routine and end up tired after the day's work.
And you do it for the next day,the next week,the next month.
Ever find yourself wondering suddenly,
Where are you heading for?
What do you expect out of these routines?
What,lies in your future,exactly?
What,is the right age to be an 'adult'?
The day you get to vote?
The day you step into the society and into the workforce?
The day you marry?
How,do people adapt actually?
Don't care about what others think.
But is self-evaluation really sufficient?
Wouldn't that mean that you're living in a wall of lies,
That you built for yourself and want yourself to believe in,
And chose only what you want to hear?
Things doesn't always works out the way you want to.
Things that does might not be something you really want.
But by the end of the day
Its all up to ones attitude,
To whether accept it with an open mind and look forth for the things to come,
Or to dwell on the what-if's and deal the future with a beaten and pessimistic spirit.
Life goes on for everyone
4 years ago
hahahaha. the conversation we're having right now. scary wei. hahaha. but yala. only one who's going through the same situation will be able to understand another lah. haha.
true meaning of life...i think only god knows.
hey,tat's how Siddharta became god,HE understand the meaning of life...lol
Since we will never be the divine god who knows it all,we just try to live through everyday and hope that we will have no regret when we leave this world loh.
follow your heart
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