~The story after~

It's raining this morning.Quite a rare occasion seeing that it's summer now and it rarely rains.The weather now really reminds me of Malaysia.Not to say I'm homesick what-so-ever,but sometimes small things like the weather or food can jolt back some fond memories I had in Malaysia.

One more week of holidays before my school starts.Unlike the 2years before where I went to Taiwan,Hokkaido and China,this summer I spent only 3days in Osaka relaxing.And that was also because I finished my Osaka University entrance test and opt to stay there to chill out.Coming back here to my hostel,I find myself facing 4bare walls and most of the time in front of the laptop.

On weekdays,I go to school from 9am to 6pm doing research for my graduation thesis and the rest of the time...finding something to do.And it usually just revolves on cycling around the neighbourhood,do some homework,room cleaning and online chatting.2 years ago I would dread the life I'm having now,but now living through it,it isn't that bad after all.In fact,having more time to do what I always wanted to do,to do things I've put on hold and also to give me more time to evaluate how things have turned out to be and going to be,is really something I need right now.

For 8months I've been studying for my University entrance test,I've neglect a lot of things or should I say been put on hold.Using the next 2days,I'm going to try to make everything right again.Before class starts,I'm going to enjoy my relaxing days.Chill people,I'm already looking forward to going to my new University.No worries=) Have a nice day


stevelee67 8/23/2008 11:13 AM  

wow..still got homework during summer holiday !! enjoy those last few days..

nAoKi 8/23/2008 6:34 PM  

good luck~

Crabbed!! 8/28/2008 11:40 PM  

I'm sure you will enjoy Uni life..people are more matured there. I have yet find people who spins thumb tags to battle each other in my Uni...unlike my college mates who do it on an hourly basis.

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